My mum-in law furnished me with this story. Thought I should share. I call her mum. She is different and the best there is.
This is best way I can summarize this.When mum was at a very tender age, she got a scholarship to study abroad. Years down the line, after studying and working for like 3 years, she felt she was ready and ripe for marriage. She was actually, at 23. There were three suitors, so she was confused. As the norm was then, her friends urged her to write their names and send home for consultation which she did.
As this was going on, she had one in mind that she would readily pick and settle down with but by the time a letter came from home, this her No 1. was number last. She had a very serious thought over it all and with persuasion from her friends, she picked the best according to the letter. They had what I call an elaborate wedding in the UK, I have the pictures.
Down the line, Daddy Nat, my dad-in law who called himself my boyfriend now resting in peace, got a call from home to attend to something important. He came home and their relationship derailed so much that when mum joined him they could not agree on anything again. It was a fierce battle for like 7 years and then they separated.
After the separation, mum was forced to go back to her dad's place. One night, they were eating when her dad pitifully said, 'You should have followed the instructions on the letter I sent to you, that baba is hot, ribesebe ni (meaning whatever he sees comes to pass). And at that point, mum flared up and said I did exactly what was written in the letter baba mi (my father). Baba left his food, went in and brought the original paper where it was written in black ink that Daddy Nat and Mum will have such a nice beginning, but it won't last and Mum's No 1. was picked as the right person for her, they were meant to be together.
Apparently, in those days, when there is an important message to be sent abroad, the elderly people called on the students on their street, they dictate and the students composed the letter in their own words. On this occasion,I think Baba called an hungry student, who misplaced all the names and information, he mistakenly put Daddy Nat's name in place of No 1. man. However, his writing was influenced by Mum's aunty, who felt, Daddy Nat is from Ogun State in Nigeria, an Egba man, since they are Egba too, it was the best option all together. That was how her life was used as a case study.
Daddy Nat and Mum |
If Mum had followed her heart, she would have taken the right path, though she was not born again then, even then, God guided her thoughts but somehow, the system and norm that we are so entangled with, took over, she did what she felt was right. Not funny at all.
We have a better choice now. We know God for ourselves. We can reach out to Him when and how we want. Blessed generation, aren't we? You've got to try to know how and when to make that final decision, when you can say of a truth 'I am influenced by God and none else.'
Hmmmmmm......#word# I av 1 question if our heart as choosin sme1 and God as anoda person in mind how do yu balance d 2.....
It comes back to how you have serviced your relationship with God. God will never put you up for confusion. As long as you allow His will be done, you won't be confused. Personally, I trained myself to know when God is impressing things on my heart, one of the ways I get assured is my peace of mind, if it is not in line with God and I try to make God allow it, I just naturally loose my sleep. That is for me. You must find your own clear way of praying His will and getting your assurance to go ahead. Since it was my natural practice to pray and wait on God for minute (small) details of my life, it was very easy and natural for me when mine found me. I knew finally, that I've been found. I hope I answered you clearly my Pearl.
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